Abort This
(too old to reply)
2022-06-24 17:46:29 UTC
Every time we think Republicans hit bottom, someone gets out a shovel.

In almost simultaneous decisions, the SCOTUS protect the unborn and make it easier to shoot the born.

It's like banning abstinence and virginity at the same time.

That fundie Amy Coney Barret is now deciding the fate of all American women.

Women are in the slippery slope again, back to the fifties.... The next targets are abortion pills and contraceptives, AND traveling to other states to get an abortion. I bet they'll throw in a ban for sodomy too, for good measure.

Get Coney Barret out of my bed!

Pro-life fuckers should be wary of uncorking the bubbly because of a static analysis of the situation - every action has a reaction.

This issue may well favor the Dems in November and in 2024, more than the January 6th Commission, because the great majority of the country is pro-choice.

Let it be noted that the party of 'freedom' just removed a most important freedom that affects more than half the population, and their spouses, boyfriends and families.

It is useless to debate this question privately as well as guns and Trump, because if you ask a deplorable about the 2020 election and the overwhelming lack of evidence of massive fraud, they will say something like... "I know in my heart that they cheated."

That's it folks. The 'heart' is not amenable to reason. Stop talking.

I remember vividly a debate I once had when I still entertained hopes that proper reasoning can persuade the 'heart.' Back and forth sitting in the kitchen with a colleague engineer, who was a Jehova's Witness. Hours later, when I thought I had him cornered, he delivered a knock-out punch.

"Even if you could present irrefutable proof that Jesus didn't exist and the Christian God doesn't exist, it would not matter to my faith."

It's exactly the same for abortion, guns, and people in love with Trump.

Save you breath.

Our belief engine is not geared to pursue the truth, it is geared for survival and comfort. We believe what saves our asses and what makes us feel good, first, and much, much, before that we adopt a belief because it's seems to be true.

That is the default. And it takes constant training of the mind to stay on the path of the scientific method to arrive at the best approximations to the truth.

It's a worthy endeavor because the truth is the BEST guide to action, all other succedanea being markedly inferior.

If you want to feel good drink a beer, smoke a joint, eat a cake or have sex. These are far better options than drinking the Kool-Aid charlatans dispense. Poison your body if you must, but don't fill you mind with the clutter of error.

The last American five years offer ample proof of all that.
Peter Jason
2022-06-24 23:16:23 UTC
Post by Tiglath
Every time we think Republicans hit bottom, someone gets out a shovel.
Why so many abortions? The constellation of contraceptive methods
available today should let women bang away like a string of bungers.
Men too have options. All easier than the abortion procedure,
2022-06-25 01:20:49 UTC
Post by Tiglath
Every time we think Republicans hit bottom, someone gets out a shovel.
Why so many abortions? The constellation of contraceptive methods
available today should let women bang away like a string of bungers.
Men too have options. All easier than the abortion procedure,
There are multiple reasons. Contraceptives may not be an option in some cases. Some women die those drugs. A cousin of mine did at the age of 30, just dropped dead suddenly. Also women may feel like taking a break from contraceptives, or not start taking them before they have sex, for various reasons. Some may still rely on the counting days method, the parent of a large fraction of humanity. Rape, incest, or unwanted pregnancies within a marriage may also need abortions.

Women carry most of the weight in human reproduction, it's high time to cut them a break. The Constitution was ratified BEFORE women had the right to vote, so no wonder it doesn't mention abortion. It's a man's document.
Ed Stasiak
2022-06-26 13:53:42 UTC
Peter Jason
Why so many abortions? The constellation of contraceptive methods
available today should let women bang away like a string of bungers.
Men too have options. All easier than the abortion procedure, surely.
What business is it of your's and more importantly, the Government's
to impose _religious based_ intrusive medical procedures on the People?

Besides, abortion has been in decline for last 20 years and will continue
to fall as birth control methods become more effective. The practice will
disappear on its own over time, so just leave it on the books.

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Furthermore, women don't get abortions because they want one, they're in
a situation where spending a lifetime caring for a child simply isn't possible
at that point.

Forcing them to have kids only puts an additional burden on society, as these
moms will need welfare to help raise that kid and in all too many cases, we'll
also be paying for cops, courts and prisons when they become adults.

Loading Image...

Are you going to pick up the check?
2022-06-25 14:52:13 UTC
Post by Tiglath
Every time we think Republicans hit bottom, someone gets out a shovel.
In almost simultaneous decisions, the SCOTUS protect the unborn and make it easier to shoot the born.
It's like banning abstinence and virginity at the same time.
That fundie Amy Coney Barret is now deciding the fate of all American women.
Women are in the slippery slope again, back to the fifties....
Even Ruth Bader Ginsburg understood Roe was a
faulty decision.
And it was very harmful in that it interrupted a nationwide
political process that was underway to properly settle
the laws.
In my state, before Roe, the Republican party led
an initiative process that settled state law,
by democracy, and laws, not judicial edicts.

www.law.uchicago.edu › news › justice-ruth-baderJustice Ruth Bader
Ginsburg Offers Critique of Roe v. Wade ...
May 15, 2013 · Casual observers of the Supreme Court who came to the Law
School to hear Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg speak about Roe v. Wade
likely expected a simple message from the longtime defender of
reproductive and women’s rights: Roe was a good decision. Those more
acquainted with Ginsburg and her thoughtful, nuanced approach to
difficult legal questions were not surprised, however, to hear her say
just the opposite, that Roe was a faulty decision.

www.newsweek.com › ruth-bader-ginsburg-roe-wadeRuth Bader Ginsburg's
Warning About Roe v. Wade Came True
May 03, 2022 · The misgivings from late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth
Bader Ginsburg regarding Roe v. Wade and its susceptibility to come
under attack may have ultimately been proven right given the revelations...

www.nytimes.com › 2020/09/21 › usWhy Ruth Bader Ginsburg Wasn’t All That
Fond of Roe v. Wade
Sep 21, 2020 · Of course, they eventually realized that Justice
Ginsburg’s skepticism of Roe v. Wade wasn’t driven by a disapproval of
abortion access at all, but by her wholehearted commitment to it. The way...

www.lifenews.com › 2021/11/29 › mississippi-attorneyMississippi Attorney
General Lynn Fitch Says Even Ruth Bader ...
Fitch quotes the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who wholly agreed with
the outcome of Roe but had serious...
Mississippi’s law at stake in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health
Organization is ultimately “about the rule of law,”...
Roe “hindered a healthy political...

www.americamagazine.org › politics-society › 2020Even RBG thought Roe v.
Wade went too far. We should learn ...
Sep 24, 2020 · Ginsburg's nomination to the highest court in 1993 almost
didn't happen because President Bill Clinton had heard that some
feminists didn't like her. The reason was Ginsburg's criticism of Roe v....

time.com › 5354490 › ruth-bader-ginsburg-roe-v-wadeWhat Ruth Bader
Ginsburg Said About Abortion and Roe v. Wade ...
Aug 02, 2018 · Roe v. Wade. Ruth Bader Ginsburg Wishes This Case Had
Legalized Abortion Instead of Roe v. Wade. W hen the U.S. Senate
confirmed President Bill Clinton’s nomination of
2022-06-25 22:14:05 UTC
On Saturday, June 25, 2022 at 10:52:14 AM UTC-4, a425couple wrote:

2022-06-26 17:35:40 UTC
Post by Tiglath
So the lazy jerk, who could not be bothered to even
vote in 2016, thinks he has a right to judge others
and spew hate?

Hey Tiglath, it's all your fault!
2022-06-28 01:17:53 UTC
On Sunday, June 26, 2022 at 1:35:39 PM UTC-4, a425couple wrote:

Fuck off and drop dead, motherfucker.

It' anal time with mama, get to it.
