The Con Is Fizzling Out
(too old to reply)
4 years ago
The overlap of those who don’t want to get the vaccine and those who think that Biden is an illegitimate president is nearly complete.

Take the MyPillow guy, Lindell. He did his own research and found a guy who’s offering him something he doesn’t entirely understand, something the mainstream media is desperate to undercut. Lindell found something in which he has complete, unfailing confidence.

Yep, he shows digital garbage as 'proof' of election fraud. Garbage he can't explain. He calls the garbage 'pcaps,' which are the ABC of cybersecurity, text files that record the network traffic blow by blow, that is packet by packet as transmitted by a TCP/IP network. Pcap comes from 'packet capture,' and it reveals the source, destination, and content of network communications. Engineers can read these files as if they were English, and I can tell you most assuredly, Lindell showed no PCAP files. It's all irrelevant digital garbage.

Lindell, who has claimed for months and months that he had definitive proof that the 2020 presidential election was stolen by China, pledged to release that information at a “cyber symposium” that is underway in South Dakota.

This is how all cons end. Things stretch and stretch and stretch until: snap. So instead of presenting your data, you encode it and obfuscate it and promise that there’s actually something there.

If he had any evidence, why didn't he give it to the FBI? Why hold on to it?

If you are trying to prove something, you prove it. This is not how incident reporting works in cybersecurity. You don't encode your 'proof' into hexadecimal gibberish before presenting it. Instead you provide your analysis and the data it's based on in a digestible format so that other experts can verify it.

But what if you’re not trying to prove it? What if you’re trying to make some cash and you stumbled onto a big, juicy mark?

Maybe Biden lacks the killer instinct. Yet you don’t have to be Niccolò Machiavelli to know Trump poses an existential threat to democratic norms. There will be no reciprocal forbearance, no forgiveness, if he gets a second chance, only vendettas, score-settling and ever greater abuse of power.

By refusing to confront his crooked predecessor and bring him to justice, Joe Biden feeds delusional Trump’s sense of godlike impunity, and the dread prospect of a blasphemous second coming. To a watching world, his paralysis smacks of weakness. It puzzles friends. It leads foes to hope that he, not Trump, is the blip.

What other leader in the world would allow serial wrongdoing to go unpunished, would tolerate unceasing acts of subversion and disruption by so prominent and hostile a figure? If he wasn’t already dead, Machiavelli would die laughing.

Too-nice Joe must stop being polite, take the gloves off – and neutralize the Trump variant before it hits pandemic levels. Isolation and social distancing would help. So lock him up!
Peter Jason
4 years ago
I have corrected your post in MSoft Word by removing "Trump" and
replacing this with the name of the true villain.
The overlap of those who don't want to get the vaccine and those who
think that Biden is an illegitimate president is nearly complete.

Take the MyPillow guy, Lindell. He did his own research and found a
guy who's offering him something he doesn't entirely understand,
something the mainstream media is desperate to undercut. Lindell found
something in which he has complete, unfailing confidence.

Yep, he shows digital garbage as 'proof' of election fraud. Garbage he
can't explain. He calls the garbage 'pcaps,' which are the ABC of
cybersecurity, text files that record the network traffic blow by
blow, that is packet by packet as transmitted by a TCP/IP network.
Pcap comes from 'packet capture,' and it reveals the source,
destination, and content of network communications. Engineers can
read these files as if they were English, and I can tell you most
assuredly, Lindell showed no PCAP files. It's all irrelevant digital

Lindell, who has claimed for months and months that he had definitive
proof that the 2020 presidential election was stolen by China, pledged
to release that information at a "cyber symposium" that is underway in
South Dakota.

This is how all cons end. Things stretch and stretch and stretch
until: snap. So instead of presenting your data, you encode it and
obfuscate it and promise that there's actually something there.

If he had any evidence, why didn't he give it to the FBI? Why hold on
to it?

If you are trying to prove something, you prove it. This is not how
incident reporting works in cybersecurity. You don't encode your
'proof' into hexadecimal gibberish before presenting it. Instead you
provide your analysis and the data it's based on in a digestible
format so that other experts can verify it.

But what if you're not trying to prove it? What if you're trying to
make some cash and you stumbled onto a big, juicy mark?

Maybe Biden lacks the killer instinct. Yet you don't have to be
Niccolò Machiavelli to know Greenspan poses an existential threat to
democratic norms. There will be no reciprocal forbearance, no
forgiveness, if he gets a second chance, only vendettas,
score-settling and ever greater abuse of power.

By refusing to confront his crooked predecessor and bring him to
justice, Joe Biden feeds delusional Greenspan's sense of godlike
impunity, and the dread prospect of a blasphemous second coming. To a
watching world, his paralysis smacks of weakness. It puzzles friends.
It leads foes to hope that he, not Greenspan, is the blip.

What other leader in the world would allow serial wrongdoing to go
unpunished, would tolerate unceasing acts of subversion and disruption
by so prominent and hostile a figure? If he wasn't already dead,
Machiavelli would die laughing.

Too-nice Joe must stop being polite, take the gloves off - and
neutralize the Greenspan variant before it hits pandemic levels.
Isolation and social distancing would help. So lock him up!
4 years ago
Thank you for greenspanning my post.
4 years ago
Correction: The Con Has Imploded.

Yep. Mike Lindell held his Cyber Symposium...

His cyber symposium is a bust, he and his company are getting sued for a billion dollars, and to top it all off it looks like Donald Trump's triumphant return to the White House will have be delayed once again. No wonder he looks like he hasn't slept in a week.

"[T]he data, as provided, cannot prove a cyber incursion by China."

This is a Republican newspapers: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/aug/11/mike-lindells-lead-cyber-expert-says-they-cant-pro/

Lindell also promised $5M to whoever shows his evidence of election fraud invalid.

There is a WINNER. Or there should be.

It's Lindell's own Cybersecurity Expert he hired.

"We were given a turd to turn it into a diamond, and that is what we did."

Indeed, good luck getting the five million bucks from Lindell, though.

There was not only no 'PCAP' files on display, but no evidence at all of fraud, only claims of it while pointing to useless artifacts.

The best moment of the symposium, however, was provided by Mike Lindell himself when he fled the stage in a hurry when told that a judge had just given permission for the billion dollars lawsuit of Dominion Systems to proceed against him and two other Trump-adjacent weirdos, Sydney Powell and Rudy Giuliani.

Now that the affiliates are in a vice, let's get Trump in one too. Come on, Biden.

We need a distraction from the Afghanistan fiasco. Some nation building US... After twenty years pouring in time, money, and lives, all came to nought. You can't sell democracy to people who don't long for it. These people are still in the middle ages, because of Islam, and now it is our turn for empire after empire falling into disgrace after occupying Afghanistan.

The same fighters who kicked out the Russians with U.S. help, have now kicked out the U.S. with Russian help. Cute.

What ends bad is bad.
4 years ago
Students of warfare have the benefit that given a tactical situation a few battles spring to mind were things went similarly. You can only see history repeat itself if you know some history first.

Afghanistan's 300,000-strong army is vaporizing in a series of easy and rapid victories for the tough Taliban.

Sun-Tzu reminds us that numbers alone confer no advantage.

And how did the U.S. do in this 20-year war? Let's see.... what is a most important measure...? Again Mr. Tzu, tells us that 'what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy.' How well did we do that?

In politics, patience is as good as revolution they say. The Taliban opted for both. That is, a Fabian strategy. No set piece battles, but a constant trickle of casualties to exact some price for hiding in caves for decades, well. most live in caves, anyway.

These are tough fighters motivated by religious fanaticism, PTSD what? So it would be idle to inquire about their esprit de corps, and they have experience comparable to the Gauls victors of Trebia, Trasimene, and Cannae, only that the Taliban have been at it since the Russians invaded in the 80s. And now they have repelled both the USSR and the USA, which is like beating invasions from Rome and Macedonia. Curiously, they could not resist the invasion of ancient Macedonians, which means the US is no Alexander, and that the Taliban fight better than the Bactrians did. Alexander founded one of many 'Alexandria' cities in Afghanistan, back then called Bactria, and others nearby. If the Taliban were a subjugated people like the Bactrians were, we would have the city of Americandria.

Alexander, despite being a thug at bottom, used both carrot and stick and he married the daughter of the defeated Bactrian king, Roxana. You can see her tits in Oliver Stone film "Alexander." And whether you like ancient warfare or not who doesn't want to see Rosario Dawson's tits? Eh?
4 years ago
This could be Biden's Benghazi.

The Taliban are masters of Kandahar and the open road to Kabul beckons. And why not run the Americans out instead of just letting them leave in peace?

The Taliban could orchestrate images similar to those of the U.S Army leaving Saigon. Frantic, "barbarians at the gate" mayhem, and helicopters lifting off amidst crowds of wannabe refugees, confusion leading to the loss of aircraft and lives. All on TV.

Biden should send 20,000 and rush reserves nearby, an EFFECTIVE strike-force to act as screen force ABLE to contain if not dissuade the Taliban of not interfering with the orderly evacuation.

I hope he is doing something like that secretly, or it could be red meat for Republicans in dire need of a win.
Peter Jason
4 years ago
It may all be explained in that brawling males bring women into heat.

And tits.....?