Well, Bidet's Israel visit ......
(too old to reply)
2023-10-19 07:16:26 UTC
..... was pretty useless, weren't it!
Surely the US support can influence them considerably more than that?
2023-10-20 20:42:46 UTC
Post by Surreyman
..... was pretty useless, weren't it!
Surely the US support can influence them considerably more than that?
The influence goes in the other direction.

We have let the dramas of 3% of the population take over the national mind.
It's stupid to say the Jews control our government, they don't control it but they do INFLUENCE it most definitely. The reality is that if you are a politician and support Palestinians, you are going to be whipped frequently, or even lose your seat to candidates funded by Jewish donors.

We have a couple of women representatives in Congress with Palestinian background and they are under siege most of the time.

There has been a massive printing of 'Antisemitic' labels to paper over reality, ready to stick to all and any who support Palestinians, don't support Israel enough, or stay silent. In other words all who violate:

The Eleventh Commandment:

11. Thou Shall Preserve Protect Defend And Support Zion Lest Leprosy Cover Thee.

The US can't afford to be even-handed because it entails to admit we screwed up royally, by pushing for the creation of the state of Israel, for domestic reasons, in 1948, against the will of the majority population in the region. And by the same president who gave humanity the nuclear age/problem. In fact Biden mentioned this unwittingly, by saying that we need to think about actions that will have great consequences in the future. Well... THAT was one... he didn't seem to know.

That's why the HISTORICAL CONTEXT of the conflict is always AWOL in the pronouncements of American and Israeli politicians. Instead, they focus on irrelevancies like: 'Israel has the right to defend itself,' which intentionally misses the point that we are talking about OCCUPIERS suffering the consequences of their occupation and serial land robbing.

Biden's Finest Hour? Some even write.... Yeah right. This conflict swallows presidents and prime ministers just like a whale eats shrimp. Better men than Biden have tried and broke themselves against a brick wall. The brick wall of Israel never ever returning any land they annexed by conquest.

They did return the Sinai peninsula and some land they grabbed in 1973, but if you look at the map of Israel in 1948, and now, you'll see the extend of the land theft, which Zesty Zionists like to call... The Disputed Territories.

There is no dispute. Israel has been a UN member since 1949, and it has the same obligations as all other members to refrain from acts of conquest. IT IS THAT CLEAR.

There is no Palestinian state without Israel giving up land. There is no peace without a Palestinian state and with millions of people under occupation. So we are looking at more of the same forever and ever, until the Zionists give in, are somehow eradicated, or fine a home elsewhere that will at least feel like one.
2023-10-24 23:53:43 UTC
Post by Surreyman
..... was pretty useless, weren't it!
Surely the US support can influence them considerably more than that?
Because sensational lies can travel around the world twice,
before the truth gets verified and can begin it's message.
