D. Spencer Hines
2021-10-13 20:14:21 UTC
Well, Joe Biden is proving to be just as incompetent a POTUS as some of the more witting of us predicted he would be over a year ago -- before he was elected.
Joe, our 46th President, is doing an excellent job of demonstrating he is the worst POTUS since the 39th, "Jimmy" Carter [1977-1981].
If Joe keeps up at this pace, he stands an excellent chance of demonstrating he is our worst President in a Century ---- i.e., since the 29th, Warren Gamaliel Harding [1921-1923].
D. Spencer Hines
Lux et Veritas et Libertas
Prosecutio stultitiae gravis vexatio est, executio stultitiae coronat opus.
Quintus Aurelius Stultus [38 B.C. - 14 A.D.]
Joe, our 46th President, is doing an excellent job of demonstrating he is the worst POTUS since the 39th, "Jimmy" Carter [1977-1981].
If Joe keeps up at this pace, he stands an excellent chance of demonstrating he is our worst President in a Century ---- i.e., since the 29th, Warren Gamaliel Harding [1921-1923].
D. Spencer Hines
Lux et Veritas et Libertas
Prosecutio stultitiae gravis vexatio est, executio stultitiae coronat opus.
Quintus Aurelius Stultus [38 B.C. - 14 A.D.]