2023-10-09 14:48:33 UTC
We live in a world where there is a set of international rules for everybody and a different set of rules for Israel.
11. Thou Shall support Zion With Blind Faith Lest Leprosy Cover Thee.
It's the only explanation for the astonished outrage portrayed mostly in my country at the sudden attack of Hamas on Israel. It's as if nothing of the sort ever happened before. As if the attackers couldn't possibly be motivated by anything else than malice and evil.
Here is where history comes in handy and to the rescue by those who still care for truth and justice.
The history of Palestine since the time the Turks let go of it, not later, or better still since the start of the twentieth century, and then people will be able to render an informed opinion. I am not saying what that opinion should be. Let history point it.
It could not have happened to a nicer guy, Mr. Bibi, himself. He is going to show us now how much he hates Arabs by slaughtering lots, for protesting when Bibi robs them of more land. Oh well.
Another like-Putin, who thought he would put a bow on his legacy with something hard-hitting before riding into the sunset. Can that Bibi too.
Two more anti-Lucius-Quinctius-Cincinnatus of history.
Not a rare kind.
But to go and take over a land that belonged to others mostly surreptitiously, in an slow motion invasion that puts our border troubles with Mexico to shame, is proving not a good plan. Migrants arrived relentlessly in the promised land, and as they didn't find an empty Palestine, which was 90% Arab, they just had to displace the current occupants in a variety of ways that ran the gamut. It's a process that has not ended. In 1948, the people who endowed themselves with the power to determine what's legitimate or not in the world, told Israel they could keep territory in which they were only a 30% minority, against the opposition of an Arab majority denied self-determination and majority rule. We know what happened next. The Refugee Camps have now morphed into cities
Having perpetrated such number of crimes against humanity, as Israel has done against Arabs, to secure a home... Does it make it a nice home, you think?
Crimes committed for religious motives as well, but is God grateful? How?
When not even Patriot missiles, upgraded to the max, can but mitigate but not stop a diluvium of explosives falling on your head, courtesy of the people you have fucked in the ass for more than 120 years and counting, then you have the answer right there.
Lovely home. Well done.
Zionists could have had Bavaria as the Jewish nation, back when, but it is no longer available.
11. Thou Shall support Zion With Blind Faith Lest Leprosy Cover Thee.
It's the only explanation for the astonished outrage portrayed mostly in my country at the sudden attack of Hamas on Israel. It's as if nothing of the sort ever happened before. As if the attackers couldn't possibly be motivated by anything else than malice and evil.
Here is where history comes in handy and to the rescue by those who still care for truth and justice.
The history of Palestine since the time the Turks let go of it, not later, or better still since the start of the twentieth century, and then people will be able to render an informed opinion. I am not saying what that opinion should be. Let history point it.
It could not have happened to a nicer guy, Mr. Bibi, himself. He is going to show us now how much he hates Arabs by slaughtering lots, for protesting when Bibi robs them of more land. Oh well.
Another like-Putin, who thought he would put a bow on his legacy with something hard-hitting before riding into the sunset. Can that Bibi too.
Two more anti-Lucius-Quinctius-Cincinnatus of history.
Not a rare kind.
But to go and take over a land that belonged to others mostly surreptitiously, in an slow motion invasion that puts our border troubles with Mexico to shame, is proving not a good plan. Migrants arrived relentlessly in the promised land, and as they didn't find an empty Palestine, which was 90% Arab, they just had to displace the current occupants in a variety of ways that ran the gamut. It's a process that has not ended. In 1948, the people who endowed themselves with the power to determine what's legitimate or not in the world, told Israel they could keep territory in which they were only a 30% minority, against the opposition of an Arab majority denied self-determination and majority rule. We know what happened next. The Refugee Camps have now morphed into cities
Having perpetrated such number of crimes against humanity, as Israel has done against Arabs, to secure a home... Does it make it a nice home, you think?
Crimes committed for religious motives as well, but is God grateful? How?
When not even Patriot missiles, upgraded to the max, can but mitigate but not stop a diluvium of explosives falling on your head, courtesy of the people you have fucked in the ass for more than 120 years and counting, then you have the answer right there.
Lovely home. Well done.
Zionists could have had Bavaria as the Jewish nation, back when, but it is no longer available.