Post by The Horny GoatBiden forgets what we did during the Yom Kippur War: a massive airlift that=
turned the tide in weeks. Biden forgets what we did in the Gulf War, a ma=
ssive expedition that expelled Saddam from Kuwait in days. =20
Since Ukraine has no oil, it is clear now those past efforts were not about=
freedom. When it is about freedom only, as in Ukraine, we are happy to pr=
ovide some help, but only enough to sentence Ukraine to a slow strangulatio=
n. European leaders are no better, all talk, especially Macron (insert surr=
ender frog joke here), and the Italians, no Roman Scipionic spirit to be fo=
und there anywhere, only great food and nice shoes. =20
As for 1973 I'm pretty sure neither Israel, Egypt or Syria have oil in
significant quantities. But no question "turned the tide in weeks' is
The Yom Kippur War was not about freedom either.
To avoid repeating a jaded digression, I left unsaid that Israel has something far more valuable than oil: a most powerful lobby that can make or break any American politician. The Zionist lobby SUMMONS American presidents whenever it feels they are not providing enough aid or their loyalty and commitment are not up to expectations. Ask Obama. Ask any former American politician who showed the slightest sympathy for the Palestinian cause. No oil-producing country has anything that compares.
Ukraine has no such lobby either. By the way, in the Yom Kippur War, Israel's enemies were coalition of many countries including the nuclear-armed USSR.
Saddam was attacked partly because Neocons perpetrated the lie that he could hit London with WMDs in 20 minutes.
It was not true, but he paid the price of it being true. Pootin has said recently, that he needs only fire a 100-megaton torpedo at the British Isles to make the UK a radioactive desert. Which is likely true, yet Biden and Johnson do nothing. This timid president has sent only FOUR HIMARS systems to Ukraine so far. And isn't sending its bigger long range model, for fear that Zelensky will shoot missiles into Russia. Some aid, isn't it?
There is much to suggest that Russia would be just as incompetent in an nuclear exchange as it is using conventional arms, and while they might score a few hits in the West, it would be the end of Russia, probably in hours.
Pootin is evil, but not suicidal. Few dictators are. Hitler waited until the Russians were almost knocking on the bunker, and Saddam surrendered pistol in hand. Pootin has the inferior army, but the superior mind and has Biden under his psychological thumb. We are not in good hands, but even if Biden is unnerving, he is infinitely better than what came before.
If Trump was president Pootin would own Ukraine, since last February, so things aren't marvelous but could be much worse. NATO is a shame, Trump was right to chastise them, except he did it to please Pootin. If war started they would lack the unity most committees lack, and Europe would be toast unless galvanized by some formidable Churchill-like or Patton-like figure emerging out of the blue. NATO is using Fabian tactics forgetting that tactics of avoidance are for when you are the underdog, as Fabius Maximus was in 218 BC, when Hannibal unleashed Blitzkrieg on Rome. NATO is not the underdog, the defense budgets of NATO countries are in sum at least 15-20 times that of Russia, and the quality of weaponry and technology miles ahead.
NATO is like a camel... A horse designed by a committee.
Biden should pour material aid into Ukraine and twist NATO member's arms to do the same, and after pushing Pootin back over the border and out of Crimea, they should make Ukraine part of NATO forthwith, and call Pootin's bluff. What is he and his few surviving generals are going to do?
The only way to win a war is with intelligence, hard work and BALLS.
You need not be the bigger one or have the most firepower, though, if you can to make the other guy think that you are prepared to do thing things he is not. That's how David beats Goliath without slinging a shot. That's Pootin.
When I had my restaurant in a Spanish beach resort, (in Castelldefels, near Barcelona) in my misspent youth, we used to have fights every summer. Sometimes big Viking-size inebriated assholes, bigger than me, touched a waitress and came at me when I reacted. They would come with fists ready and I would swing the pizza shovel, which had a keen edge and reached much farther than a baseball bat. Surprise! Or I grabbed a short baton that fit my hand and make me look unarmed, yet a lead weight core would shoot out just before bearing down on the target, and it felt like my punches were like a lead zeppelin. The look of surprise lasted but a second before they turned tail or were knock-out. They expected a sunny side style dust up, but got an instant message that the defender was prepared to hurt them badly. It almost always worked, and when not the Guardia Civil took care of it since they were always drinking nearby and on my payroll. _Their_ batons were lethal and thought nothing of sticking a gun into the mouth of stroppy tourists, before arresting them and hanging them from the thumbs for the night. Ever seen thumb cuffs in action? They used them on the guy's dick too.
Ah... the good old times.