Tiglath Seems To Have Lost His Two British Allies
(too old to reply)
D. Spencer Hines
2022-06-30 22:31:48 UTC
Que Paso?

D. Spencer Hines
Lux et Veritas et Veritas
2022-07-01 01:58:38 UTC
Post by D. Spencer Hines
Que Paso?
Hello Mr. Hines. I hope you are well.

You mean, '¿Qué pasó?'

As in, 'Cosa è successo?,' 'Quid accidit?'

'Que paso?' Means 'What step?' As in Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3, polka, pasodoble, fandango...

I'll start with Step 1:

Me allies? I fly solo.

Step 2:



Step 3. Polka, Pasodoble and Fandango:

Fancy getting out of bed, bones creaking, mustering the energy and nimbleness of fingers to go slumming down at SHM, after another death-faking, prolonged interlude... and all you have to say in complaint of American politics, the only beef, is a nugatory observation about President Carter's micromanagement?

That is such a grave crime, folks, that Mr. Hines crossed the floor and incrustated himself on the Republican bench forevermore, come what may. But May didn't come. In the end, it was more like a four years long February.

Since You-Know-Who came down the escalator, I've been wondering when Mr. Hines would recognize that the right party was getting the wrong man.
After every fear and ominous prediction about that man came true and then some, I still wondered if Mr. Hines was ever going to admit reality. I assumed he was a good honest man, at bottom, despite sharing undesirable traits with that president, like never apologizing or admitting error or admitting a change of mind even if he had one, all signs of weakness in his playbook. I believed, nevertheless, we shared a love for this country. However...

Since Mr. Hines' continues to project a sunny lack of concern for the seditious high crimes our last president committed against our republic, it means I must stand corrected.

For years, Mr. Hines defended W. and his unnecessary Iraq War. No lessons learned, overreacting to the Obama years, he invested all in a despotic orangutan for president, who makes W. look good. That's 12 years, folks. A dozen circles around the sun marching steadily through a field full of garden rakes.

After blackmailing Ukraine and subsequent impeachment; after playing down the seriousness of the pandemic, which cost an untold number of lives; after spurring a rebellion to obstruct the peaceful transition of power and subsequent impeachment; after damning public testimony of Republican officials and being laughed out of court by judges he appointed, for bringing his Big Lie to the halls of justice. AFTER ALL THAT and the rest of a frightful catalogue of malignant deeds, never mind the Christian Taliban infiltrating our Supreme Court: what actually creates for Mr. Hines vast wells of unquenchable resentment is how President Carter interfered with the booking of the White House tennis courts.

Well... Hallelujah!

This is not, folks, what may appear: that despite overripe maturity Mr. Hines remains square like a pool table and twice as green. Nor it is the vertiginous moment Aristotle called “hamartia,” or missing the mark (an archery expression). It is not Hinesian tremulous logic... This is not Mr. Hines forgetting the art of giving a shit, either. And nope, it's not even the old sententious blowhard making people laugh.

This is wormy foulness in a moment of utter fatuity. Exhibit A that the sleep of reason produces monsters.

Did you contribute as well to the fake Election Defense Fund of that oratorically incontinent little man with a big job? It's hard to put a leash on a dog when you put a crown on his head, Francisco Goya warned.

You may have served your country honorably once, but so did General Flynn, who recently took the Fifth when asked "Do you believe in the peaceful transition of power in the United States of America?"

In Like Flynn?

Post by D. Spencer Hines
D. Spencer Hines
Lux et Veritas et Veritas
2022-07-01 16:43:36 UTC
I am not ready to criticize Biden to death yet. He had his Afghanistan, but even your favorite president had his Iran-Contra, which was much worse, Biden's Afghanistan was a show of incompetence, Iran-Contra was a show of corruption and lies.

Frankly, getting a list of best and worse presidents from you, even via the usual journalist proxy, has a value similar to getting a list of the Pope's favorite saints.

Biden is a disappointment with Ukraine. A man with a defense budged more than ten times that of Russia, is evidently scared to set Pootin off. Too scared. Sans cojones scared. Not good. He forgets history and what it teaches about bullies.

Biden forgets what we did during the Yom Kippur War: a massive airlift that turned the tide in weeks. Biden forgets what we did in the Gulf War, a massive expedition that expelled Saddam from Kuwait in days.

Since Ukraine has no oil, it is clear now those past efforts were not about freedom. When it is about freedom only, as in Ukraine, we are happy to provide some help, but only enough to sentence Ukraine to a slow strangulation. European leaders are no better, all talk, especially Macron (insert surrender frog joke here), and the Italians, no Roman Scipionic spirit to be found there anywhere, only great food and nice shoes.

Biden is missing a huge opportunity as well. The opportunity to topple Pootin and bring Russia, at long last, into the community of friendly nations, which would be a great deed, and an asset to us all given the qualities of the Russian people - not to mention the spectacular Russian women.

Pootin has to go because there is no convincing him. He is a character right out of a Dostoevsky. Not to mention the fact that in Ukraine we have an extraordinary ally willing to fight our old enemy to the death. What better field test can there be for the military-industrial complex at such low cost in American lives? All we need is to put trillions into it, not the mere Biden's billions. Wars are expensive, making them short saves blood and money. It also reduces the level of phobos and deimos afflicting the human race, when WMDs are in the hands of murderous despots.

As long as You-Know-Who remains a clear and present danger to American democracy, any criticism of Biden is miscast. We have bigger fish to fry and remove from the political landscape, and if there is any justice in this country of laws.. LOCK HIM UP!

Please skip political comments, nothing new there, ever. I'd be interested on your take on the Ukraine War, though, as a former warrior. Alternatively, you can just disappear again and play dead. Isn't freedom wonderful?

I wish you health and a long life. Have a great Independence Day.


("I wish you health and a long life," as well as 800 rubles, is what the Chernobyl 'liquidators' received after clearing graphite debris from the roof of Reactor 4, exposed to 20,000 roentgens per hour - my wish to Mr. Hines carries, of course, no such cynicism )
The Horny Goat
2022-07-02 01:29:02 UTC
Biden forgets what we did during the Yom Kippur War: a massive airlift that=
turned the tide in weeks. Biden forgets what we did in the Gulf War, a ma=
ssive expedition that expelled Saddam from Kuwait in days. =20
Since Ukraine has no oil, it is clear now those past efforts were not about=
freedom. When it is about freedom only, as in Ukraine, we are happy to pr=
ovide some help, but only enough to sentence Ukraine to a slow strangulatio=
n. European leaders are no better, all talk, especially Macron (insert surr=
ender frog joke here), and the Italians, no Roman Scipionic spirit to be fo=
und there anywhere, only great food and nice shoes. =20
As for 1973 I'm pretty sure neither Israel, Egypt or Syria have oil in
significant quantities. But no question "turned the tide in weeks' is
2022-07-02 06:42:30 UTC
Post by The Horny Goat
Biden forgets what we did during the Yom Kippur War: a massive airlift that=
turned the tide in weeks. Biden forgets what we did in the Gulf War, a ma=
ssive expedition that expelled Saddam from Kuwait in days. =20
Since Ukraine has no oil, it is clear now those past efforts were not about=
freedom. When it is about freedom only, as in Ukraine, we are happy to pr=
ovide some help, but only enough to sentence Ukraine to a slow strangulatio=
n. European leaders are no better, all talk, especially Macron (insert surr=
ender frog joke here), and the Italians, no Roman Scipionic spirit to be fo=
und there anywhere, only great food and nice shoes. =20
As for 1973 I'm pretty sure neither Israel, Egypt or Syria have oil in
significant quantities. But no question "turned the tide in weeks' is
The Yom Kippur War was not about freedom either.

To avoid repeating a jaded digression, I left unsaid that Israel has something far more valuable than oil: a most powerful lobby that can make or break any American politician. The Zionist lobby SUMMONS American presidents whenever it feels they are not providing enough aid or their loyalty and commitment are not up to expectations. Ask Obama. Ask any former American politician who showed the slightest sympathy for the Palestinian cause. No oil-producing country has anything that compares.

Ukraine has no such lobby either. By the way, in the Yom Kippur War, Israel's enemies were coalition of many countries including the nuclear-armed USSR.

Saddam was attacked partly because Neocons perpetrated the lie that he could hit London with WMDs in 20 minutes.
It was not true, but he paid the price of it being true. Pootin has said recently, that he needs only fire a 100-megaton torpedo at the British Isles to make the UK a radioactive desert. Which is likely true, yet Biden and Johnson do nothing. This timid president has sent only FOUR HIMARS systems to Ukraine so far. And isn't sending its bigger long range model, for fear that Zelensky will shoot missiles into Russia. Some aid, isn't it?

There is much to suggest that Russia would be just as incompetent in an nuclear exchange as it is using conventional arms, and while they might score a few hits in the West, it would be the end of Russia, probably in hours.

Pootin is evil, but not suicidal. Few dictators are. Hitler waited until the Russians were almost knocking on the bunker, and Saddam surrendered pistol in hand. Pootin has the inferior army, but the superior mind and has Biden under his psychological thumb. We are not in good hands, but even if Biden is unnerving, he is infinitely better than what came before.

If Trump was president Pootin would own Ukraine, since last February, so things aren't marvelous but could be much worse. NATO is a shame, Trump was right to chastise them, except he did it to please Pootin. If war started they would lack the unity most committees lack, and Europe would be toast unless galvanized by some formidable Churchill-like or Patton-like figure emerging out of the blue. NATO is using Fabian tactics forgetting that tactics of avoidance are for when you are the underdog, as Fabius Maximus was in 218 BC, when Hannibal unleashed Blitzkrieg on Rome. NATO is not the underdog, the defense budgets of NATO countries are in sum at least 15-20 times that of Russia, and the quality of weaponry and technology miles ahead.

NATO is like a camel... A horse designed by a committee.

Biden should pour material aid into Ukraine and twist NATO member's arms to do the same, and after pushing Pootin back over the border and out of Crimea, they should make Ukraine part of NATO forthwith, and call Pootin's bluff. What is he and his few surviving generals are going to do?

The only way to win a war is with intelligence, hard work and BALLS.

You need not be the bigger one or have the most firepower, though, if you can to make the other guy think that you are prepared to do thing things he is not. That's how David beats Goliath without slinging a shot. That's Pootin.

When I had my restaurant in a Spanish beach resort, (in Castelldefels, near Barcelona) in my misspent youth, we used to have fights every summer. Sometimes big Viking-size inebriated assholes, bigger than me, touched a waitress and came at me when I reacted. They would come with fists ready and I would swing the pizza shovel, which had a keen edge and reached much farther than a baseball bat. Surprise! Or I grabbed a short baton that fit my hand and make me look unarmed, yet a lead weight core would shoot out just before bearing down on the target, and it felt like my punches were like a lead zeppelin. The look of surprise lasted but a second before they turned tail or were knock-out. They expected a sunny side style dust up, but got an instant message that the defender was prepared to hurt them badly. It almost always worked, and when not the Guardia Civil took care of it since they were always drinking nearby and on my payroll. _Their_ batons were lethal and thought nothing of sticking a gun into the mouth of stroppy tourists, before arresting them and hanging them from the thumbs for the night. Ever seen thumb cuffs in action? They used them on the guy's dick too.

Ah... the good old times.
2022-07-03 18:49:38 UTC
Mr Hines' two word question was to trigger an avalanche.

Felt good to let out a kilo...

Unfortunately, Spencer is no longer game, short on time and pale shadow of former self.

Rolling Stone Becomes Yellow Moss Ball

Is he Game or Lame?
